Welcome To Our District 5890 Public Image Page
Here, you'll find tools, ideas, and "how-to" resources to expand your club's public image.
Public Image is how we tell our story in ways that help people everywhere understand what Rotary does, how we’re different, and why our work matters.
Rotary District Public Image Committee
Co-Chairs: Charlie & Tommie Buscemi
Phone:  281.359.7193 (Office), 713.598.7129 (Mobile)
tommie5890@suddenlink.net  cjsb@suddenlink.net
Facebook Committee Chair:  Gaby Santana (Click to email)
2024-2025 Committee Representative for District 5890 Rotary Fountation Committee:  PDG Eric Liu
2024-2025 Committee Representative for District 5890 Membership Committee:  Rick Brady
2024-2025 Committee Representative District 5890 Rotaract Adviser:  Jenna Buscemi
2024-2025 District 5890 Photographer:  Maria Cortez-Ochoa
District 5890 Strategic Action Plans:
Links to our Rotary District 5890 Public Image Webpages
Working with the Media  (Downloadable Letters to the Editor, Media Advisory, etc.)
The September 21, 2024 District 5890 Vibrant Club Workshop Has Been Cancelled By DG Nancy.
Explore Our Ever-Changing & Evolving "For Club Presidents" Resource Webpage
This is your "all-in-one" webpage where each District 5890 Rotary club can download their club logo we created for them, learn about upcoming events, and find links to Rotary's most important info.  It will be evolving and changing with updates added as necessary.
A club logo for each District 5890 Rotary club was created in Brand Center, so now clubs can return to this page when needed.  
This webpage includes important materials that DG Nancy Anderson and her District 5890 Leadership Team want to share with presidents and their team members for 2024-2025. 
It's available for any member to use, but the priority is sharing information with club presidents.
Create a "My Rotary" Account on Rotary.org to Access Links & Documents
Several items on this webpage will require you to login to your My Rotary account on www.Rotary.org.
Our 2024-2025 District 5890 Public Image Newsletter
Rotary's public image is what people outside of Rotary think of when they hear our name. But name recognition is just the start. Our public image is shaped by the actions of our members, the activities we engage in, the impact we have, and more.
As the Club Public Image Chair, you are the club's ambassador that promotes your club's good works, generates positive media coverage, and presents your members as people of action. . You're also in the best position to describe how club projects and activities benefit your community.  Review the Club Public Image Chair Checklist for your club president and your Club Public Image Committee to discuss. 
What do you do?  Use the Club Public Image Chair Checklist as a starting point.  Then, gain tools and tips on the "Enhancing Our Public Image" webpage on Rotary.org (you will need to login to your My Rotary account to open this webpage.)
People of Action - Houston!
Featuring our Houston area Rotaractors and Rotarians at their local community service projects, this video below was produced by Rotary International.
We're People of Action!  Do Something Amazing & Come Join Us!
A NEW Membership Toolkit Created From Rotary International's 3-Year "District 5890 Membership & Marketing Pilot"
In January 2019, Rotary International Board of Directors announced that our District 5890 had been selected as the only district in the world to be their 3-year (2019-2022) "Membership Marketing Pilot Program" district.  From extensive research during those 3-Rotary years, Rotary created the toolkit for use by all clubs and districts in the world,  "Leveraging LOCAL EVENTS TO GROW ROTARY - A Membership & Marketing Guide"
RI's 3-year District 5890 pilot involved a team of D5890 leadership including PDG Lisa Faith Massey as our Chair, District 5890 Membership Committee Chair, Stacy Brevard, District 5890 Public Image Committee Co-Chairs, Tommie & Charlie Buscemi, current and incoming District 5890 Governors including PDG Gary Gillen, PDG Scott Rainey, and PDG Michelle Bohreer, plus an amazing Rotary International team of membership, branding, and marketing experts & professionals.  The 2022 Rotary International Convention was being held in Houston, so our pilot would be used to create a "toolkit" for Rotary events in the future.
The goal:  How does public image impact membership growth?  For 3-years, our entire D5890 pilot team met a minimum of twice each month via Zoom, plus individually, with the experts at Rotary headquarters. What was working, what wasn't, how should we pivot, what were our ideas, how could we do better, best planning ideas, and how could we show non-Rotarians the impact of Rotary and what we do? 
Rotary's team studied D5890's tools, ideas, membership & Rotary Foundation statistics, social media, website, challenges, successes, results, etc. to explore ways to make positive changes.  All of us thought outside the box, discussed ideas, closely watched each club's public image resources and helped them discover ways to become brand compliant, share their "why" story, and why it was important to do so. 
Rotary International closely researched our district and individual club statistics for membership and giving per club to The Rotary Foundation.  They studied our social media, webpage, gave us guidance for making large and small changes, and discovered what and how these impacted our membership growth, and we discussed things that RI could do to impact our progress.    
From what was learned from District 5890 in 2019-2022, Rotary International created a "toolkit" that clubs and districts could use to replicate the things D5890 did during the pilot.  It contains a plan for the district and clubs if they have a Convention or big event coming up in their district and want to get clubs prepared for the spike in membership interest. The toolkit is useful regardless of the size of the event.
This toolkit offers membership and marketing strategies that can help you make the most of large public events in your community and prepare clubs for interest that may arise when people learn more about Rotary is now available. It explains each step of creating a strategic plan to turn the increased interest that comes from big (also helpful for small ones) Rotary events in the community into membership growth. You’ll find tips for creating a strong leadership team, getting clubs ready for growth, planning promotions, and approaching prospective members.
Click here to download the toolkit.  Whether your club is doing a concert, community event, or major fundraiser, this toolkit will provide ideas, tips, tools, and creative ways your club can make an impact.
The guide also has links to these new resources:
2024-2025 (DG Nancy's Year) Public Image Roadmap Challenge Award
You Have Until June 30, 2025 To Complete Club Goals - Submit Final Report by August 31, 2025
We want our District 5890 clubs to get excited and motivated to take their public image to a whole new level!  Use this "ROADMAP" to making an impact with your Public Image goals for your club!
The District 5890 "Buscemi Award for Public Image Award" isn’t just a competition to give awards…it’s so much more:
  • It provides a ROAD MAP and PLANNING TOOL for clubs to increase their Public Image efforts
  • It will give a FOUNDATION and FOCUS to our training activities
  • It will RECOGNIZE clubs for their efforts and a job well done
  • It will help use SHARE BEST PRACTICES and provide IDEAS between clubs
  • It will create FRIENDLY COMPETITION, which equals more Rotary impact
  • It’s FUN!
The Public Image Roadmap includes best practices that lead to a successful achievement in the goals of promoting your club in the community.
All clubs that participate will receive acknowledgement and a certificate and the club that achieves the most achievements in Categories 1-7 will be the recipient of the "2024-2025 District 5890 Public Image Club of the Year."
Rotary District 5890 has goals for our clubs just as the Rotary Zones 25B & 29 have goals for District 5890!  The Rotary Zones 25B and 29 Coordinators have gathered some of the best practices that lead to successful achievement of the goals in Membership, Foundation, Public Image, Polio, and Endowment/Major Gifts. In order to encourage our District 5890 for the development of successful strategies, the Zone Leaders have created a Regional Rotary Roadmap for each district that demonstrates adoption of the interventions. 
Downloadable Photos and Social Media For Club To Use
How many D5890 members do you recognize?
Find lots of photos taken of D5890 Rotarians & Rotaractors at their projects photographed by Rotary International photographers.  These photos are also used in the social media ads showing our District 5890 members in action for use in your marketing materials and on your social media channels.
The pros at RI know how to take great photos, so be inspired and take your own photos using their photos as examples!  Click here for tips for showing your members as People of Action!
Rotary International's Brand Center (the photo on Brand Center's landing page is a D5890 photo!)also has all these photos available for download - Click here to view them in Brand Center.
For 2-years, our D5890 Public Image Team worked with Rotary International's Branding & Marketing staff and RI's directors and producers.  We scouted the locations, interviewed clubs about projects, select the projects, provide project overview and history to Rotary International, received their ideal shoot ideas then we scouted and secured the actual locations, selected the members, provide apparel and props, and attended each photo and video shoot for several weeks.  It was absolutely amazing!
Important note:  Yes, Rotary International Photo/Likeness Releases have been signed by all individuals in all these photos, including by parents of the minor children/teens, for all these photos.  Rotary International used all of these photos in brand center!
Click here to visit our "Images and Social Media Ads" webpage
Does Your Club Use A Photo Release For Photographs of Your Events, Fundraisers & More?
Consider Following The Same Procedure As Rotary International Does!
Do you really need a Photo/Model/Likeness Release?  Click the button below to learn more. 
Goodbye "Rotary Showcase"...Hello "Rotary Service Project Center!"
Rotary Showcase has been retired and has been replaced by Rotary with the NEW Service Project Center, a dynamic and feature-rich hub for all service projects. It will work faster, offer streamlined processes, and give you better project management tools.
All Rotary and Rotaract service projects have been transferred to the Service Project Center.
The new platform responds faster, offers a consistent experience across devices and screen sizes, lets you collect more accurate project location data, and provides project management access to all club officers.You can manage your projects from mobile devices, as well as share project links more easily in email and on social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn. 
You can tell your project stories more fully, which shows your effectiveness to potential members, partners, and donors. And you have more opportunities to provide photos and details, making the project process more transparent and giving members more ways to feel pride in the results.
Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It!  Sharing Your Success With The Media!
So you need to get some attention, create awareness, and start a little media buzz about your club.  Maybe it's a fundraiser, service project, publicizing the work of an outstanding Rotary member, or telling the community about a major announcement. But you must ask yourself: is this information newsworthy?  
A short well-written press release is a cost-effective marking tool to get the media's attention by making an official announcement.
Here's a rule to remember if you want the media to pay attention:  It should only be one-page (or less)!   It should tell them the who, what, where, when and WHY.  Include your Rotary club's name, your contact info, and tell them that you'll be calling/emailing them to confirm receipt.
Below are links to customizable media templates from Rotary Brand Center:
We have great photos taken by professional Rotary International photographers to help promote your club.  If you're doing a project but don't have high resolution photos, use our photos.  Each person in the photo have signed a Rotary International Photo Release, including the parents of the under 18-year-old children----so you are safe to use them!
Click here for videos
Click here to watch a short video about the "Benefits of The Learning Center".
Show your community that your club is changing your community & the world!
Rotary’s People of Action public image campaign aims to provide a simple, consistent answer to the question, What is Rotary? 
Learn tips & ideas to share your message!
Rotary's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Three Rotary members share their personal experiences with diversity, equity, and inclusion and offer suggestions about how you can be an ally.
  • Three Rotary members share their personal experiences with diversity, equity, and inclusion and offer suggestions about how you can be an ally.
  • Learn about Rotary's efforts to become a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.
  • Discover how DEI can improve the member and participant experience.
  • See how our People of Action Champions of Inclusion translate our commitment to DEI into international humanitarian service projects.
In the above article on Rotary International website, Rotarian Obialo stated, "Mental health is an area that has been neglected by many people for too long because of the stigma associated with it.  The involvement of Rotary clubs will gradually reduce the stigma, and more and more people will begin to be comfortable around the issue." said Felix-Kingsley Obialo, Member of the Rotary Club of Abadan Idi-Ishin, Nigeria and Wellness in a Box manager.
The Mental Health Initiatives Rotary's Action Group (click for website) includes toolkits to help Rotary clubs get more involved:
Take the time to ask, listen, help!

Need Help with ClubRunner?

You get one chance to make a great impression!  Your club's website IS the front door for your community!
Use the info below to for help.
Use the link below to get contact info for our D5890 Webmaster, plus details about contacting ClubRunner directly, links to webinars, and links to download the ClubRunner App to your phone.

Is Your Club Planning Your Own PolioPlus Fundraiser or Event?

If your club would like to have their own End Polio Now Fundraiser, please visit Rotary's End Polio Now (Click Here) website for FREE Resources, Event Posters, Planning Guide, Social Media Ads, plus you can register your World Polio Day event to attract volunteers & participants!
A brand is more than a logo, and Rotary’s brand is much bigger than its wheel. It’s a perception: it’s how others think about us, not just how we see ourselves.
Learn how to create powerful messages,
What's Brand Center?  It's where you find all of your resources for telling your club's story in a consistent and engaging way:  Logos, PowerPoints, Photos & Video, Brochures & more!
The Club Public Image Committee works together to create and implement a plan to tell
Rotary’s story to the public, and to promote the club’s projects and activities.
It’s important that Rotary and Rotaract clubs tell their stories in ways that help communities understand what Rotary does and why our work matters so as to inspire others to get involved.
When a club promotes itself and its work, they are increasing Rotary’s awareness in the community.
Club Website & Social Media:  Are They Fresh & Up To Date?
Our D5890 Public Image Committee Will Audit Your Club's Website & Social Media Presence With This 2024-2025 Checklist 
Would you join your Rotary club based upon your website & social media? 
Take a visit and see what potential members see!  
Is it up to date, with current photos & service projects...
or is it old, dated, and in need of a facelift? 
Your club's website and social media should be IRRESISTIBLE when it comes to attracting new members, sponsors, and community partners.   Use this D5890 Checklist for exactly what should & shouldn't be used. 
FYI...Our District 5890 Public Image Committee with review your club's website and social media platforms so we can give you advice about ways to make it shine! 
People who are curious about Rotary, or the clubs in their area, will search for your club information online. What they find will either end their interest or inspire them to learn more about your club.

the media:  what's the best format for your club?  whatever works best!

Publicity is essential to telling Rotary’s story. By getting your club’s activities promoted in your local news, you increase your community’s understanding of Rotary and strengthen our ability to improve lives around the world.

social media platforms explained

Refresh your club’s social media presence. Determine which social networks are right for your club, how best to use social media, and more.
Also watch our 3-part workshop series, "District 5890: Building Your Club's Social Media Plan"
Promoting Rotary’s public image is important because it creates awareness and enhances understanding about how Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs address the challenges affecting communities around the world.

As members of the Rotary family, we each have an important role to play in helping one another talk about how your members and your club make a difference in the community. A positive image will help your club raise awareness of Rotary, attract and engage members, increase contributions to The Rotary Foundation, and garner partnerships, volunteers, and support for projects and activities.
Lights!  Camera!  Action!  Rotary 5890 Rotarians, Rotaractors & Our Projects Featured on Rotary Brand Center!
Watch Video Featuring "Behind The Scenes" Photos of Rotary International's Video Shoot Featuring Our Rotary District 5890 Rotarians, Rotaractors & Projects!
Lights! Camera! Action!
Over 30 of our D5890 Rotarians and Rotaractors were cast to appear in several videos promoting Rotary International's "People of Action" Campaign, and Rotary in Houston! The videos and photos can be found under our "Videos, Photos & Social Media Ads" Tab (or click here and here),
Test your Rotary logo knowledge with an entertaining way to learn
how to use the Rotary logo correctly. Visit the Brand Center to download
and share Rotary’s latest video today. Use this video at your next meeting or club training. 
Need step-by-step instructions to edit club information on your ClubRunner website?
(change club logo, address, contact info, add website URL, etc.)