Welcome To Interact District 5890!
You are currently viewing our "Welcome to Interact" landing page which will help you learn more about Interact and explore the ways Interactors make a difference in the world.
We also have another website which contains resources to help operate your Interact club.  Resources include downloads, handbooks & guides, logos, forms, and links to help Interact members, Teacher/Faculty Advisors, and Rotary Sponsors manage their Interact club.

Nancy Anderson, 2024-2025 Rotary 5890 District Governor


2024-2025 Rotary District 5890 Interact Committee

Interact Committee Co-Chairs:
Emi Abiera-Chemat (Photo, left) Email:  emichemat.rotary@gmail.com,  Cellular:  1-346-732-2628
Erica Alderete  (Photo, right) Email:  ealderete,rotary@gmail.com
Frank Parrilla  Email:  flparrilla@icloud.com   Cellular: (832) 396-2416
Pamela Hunt (Interact District Dues) Email:  PHunt@ecmh.org
Interact District 5890 E-Mail:   interactdistrict5890@gmail.com
Meet Your 2024-2025 Interact District 5890 Officers!
Interact District Governor:  Nikki Dash
Interact Lieutenant Governor:  Devan Chadha
Secretary:  Navya Makkapati
Treasurer:  Diya Gaur
Committee Chairs & Communication Officers:
Membership Chair:  Dishita Storewala
Events Chair:  Mathapelo Thomas
Social Media:  Abigail Moreno
Newsletter:  Harsimrann Kaur
Creative Director:  Dnyanesh Pandurang Ramade
1st Place:  $3,000, 2nd Place:  $2,000 & 3rd Place:  $1,000
Feb 3rd for Interactors to submit to their Interact Faculty Advisor,
& Feb 7th for Faculty Advisors to submit to Erica Alderete, D5890 Interact Committee

iNTERACTORS Take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world.

Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.

What are the benefits?

Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:

  • Take action to make a difference in your school and community
  • Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
  • Become a leader in your school and community
  • Have fun and make new friends from around the world

What’s involved?

Interact clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Rotary club sponsors mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.

Visit Interact District 5890 on Facebook!
Visit Interact's Official YouTube Channel!
Click here to visit Interact's Official
YouTube Channel to watch Interactors around the globe share their stories about service!
Create a "My Rotary" Account on Rotary.org
To Access Some of the Interact Resources and Links, You Will Need To Create A "My Rotary" Account.
Show us your favorite service project!
Share how to do your service project from start to finish, including your planning stage, your service in action, and demonstrate how your project makes a difference in your community.
Submit your nomination by December 2, 2024 for the opportunity to be named Best Video, Best Photo, or Best Essay, and receive funds from Rotary International to support your club’s next service project!
Now, Interact club presidents may choose to share their name and email with Rotary International headquarters in Evanston, IL USA. Interact presidents under the age of 18, must have parent/guardian consent to share their information. When an Interact Club President shares their email with Rotary International, they will receive virtual trainings resources on how to run successful clubs, stories and inspiration from other Interact clubs, and opportunities for recognition and engagement. 
Here's the link to register: Registration form
Interact:  The Past, The Present & The Future!

 interactors are leaders that take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world.

Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.

Today’s Interactors are channeling enthusiasm and ideas into projects of remarkable impact. These young people offer more than just volunteer numbers for a Rotary club’s service projects. They’re key collaborators from start to finish. And in some cases, they’re leading the way.



Interact Club Handbooks, downloads, logos, forms, links, resources, events & Activities for 2024-2025

For the 2024-2025 School Year, click here to visit our "Interact Club Downloads, Logos, Forms, Links & Resources" Webpage to find:   Important resources and guides for Interact including Interact Guide for Rotary Sponsors and Advisors, Recommended Interact Club ByLaws & Constitution, How to Promote Interact, Opportunities for Interactors, Licensed Merchandise Vendors, Important Dates & More!
The 2022 Interact Handbook a Guide for Interactors provides tools for Interactors to create a club that reflects their goals while having fun! Built with input from Interactors from around the globe, this handbook offers key information and workbook pages to guide Interactors to...
  • Start an Interact Club
  • Build a dynamic club
  • Promote your club's work to your community and the Rotary world.
This guide is designed to help adults empower youth and provide a meaningful and fun experience for young leaders and adults. Our goal is to meet needs of adults serving as: Interact Rotary Club Sponsors, co- sponsors (Rotary clubs or Rotaract clubs), Interact advisers and those considering these roles.
Want To Charter A NEW Interact Club At A Public or Private Middle School or High School?
We're Here to Help!
If you need help finding a sponsoring Rotary or Rotaract club located within your school district or have other questions, please contact our Interact Committee Co-Chairs: Erica Alderete (click for email) or Emi Abiera-Chemat (Click for email)
Starting a new Interact club is a great way to engage with young leaders in your community!  The "Interact Handbook: A Guide for Rotary Club Sponsors & Advisers" includes step-by-step instructions to charter a new Interact club at your local middle or high school. 
Ready to Learn More or Charter A New Interact Club?
Click here meet with your local Rotary or Rotaract club and review pages 1-10 of the "Interact Handbook: A Guide for Sponsor Clubs and Advisers" about the requirements and the process.  The Handbook also explains the responsibilities of the Sponsoring Rotary Club and Teacher/Faculty Adviser.  Once you are ready, meet with your sponsoring Rotary or Rotaract club to complete the "Interact Club Certification Form."
Click here to visit the Interact page on Rotary.org
Our 2025 Camp RYLA will be Friday, February 7th at 8 PM thru Sunday afternoon, February 9, 2025.
Application Coming Soon!A
Learn more about CAMP RYLA!
attend our Upcoming Zoom Information Meetings about Studying Abroad as A Rotary YOuth Exchange Student! 
Who should attend? 
Students, Parents, Teachers, School Counselors, Host Parents and Rotarians!
Applications to study abroad as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student during the 2025-2026 school are DUE BY OCTOBER 25, 2024, so attend one of the following Information Meetings via ZOOM to have all your questions answered by our experienced Rotary District 5890 Rotary Youth Exchange Committee members.
ZOOM Meeting Dates & Times: 
Select a date that is convenient for your schedule! Information Zoom Meeting dates are:
     - September 11th, 16th, 19th, and 22nd
     - October 1st, 3rd, 9th, and 13th
Time:  Each Zoom meeting is 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Click here to Register - Note:  Your Zoom meeting link will be sent to you once you have registered.
Interact District 5890 P.E.T.S. Handbook for 2024-2025
Coming Soon!
The year of being the president of an Interact club can be exciting...and a little overwhelming if the president isn't prepared.  While Interact needs to be FUN, it is also supposed to be "Serious Fun" because of all the live-saving and life-changing service projects that the Interactors get accomplished.
Our 2024-2025 Interact District 5890 P.E.T.S. Handbook will help boost the leadership skills of the Interact presidents, Teacher Advisers, and Rotary Sponsors and help them prepare in advance for a successful leadership year.
Link to Download Is Coming Soon!

ROTARY YOUTH PROTECTION GUIDE - A MUST READ for interactors, faculty advisers, and rotary clubs!

Click here to download the Rotary Youth Protection Guide which is a comprehensive manual to providing a safe and secure environment for all young people involved in Rotary programs and activities. All club and district leaders involved in Interact, RYLA, or Rotary Youth Exchange should review this guide.
Learn more...
By June 30th each year, the Rotarian serving as your Club Advisor of your Interact club is required to report an advisor to maintain your club's "Active Status" and to continue receiving resources from Rotary International. Advisors can be a member of the sponsoring Rotary club, a school administrator or faculty member, or community volunteer to serve as an adult contact to the Interact club.  Update the contact information. 
Find your voice and change the world with service-learning, Rotary’s new approach to youth service! Interactive courses and downloadable workbooks are available now in Rotary’s Learning Center for adult advisors and youth program participants ages 16 and older. Get started on your service-learning journey today at rotary.org/learn.
(Note:  You'll need to create a "My Rotary" Account at Rotary.org.  Click here for step-by-step instructions.)
Strengthen Club Projects with These Rotary Resources!
Learn how your District 5890 Rotary Resource Leaders/Network, Rotary Action Groups and Rotary Community Corps can help your club projects with access to professional expertise and local resources.

Rotary Action Groups are independent, Rotary-affiliated groups made up of people from around the world who are experts in a particular field, such as economic development, peace, addiction prevention, the environment, or water.  Action groups offer their technical expertise and support to help clubs plan and implement projects to increase our impact, one of Rotary's strategic priorities.

A Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is a group of non-Rotarians who share our commitment to changing the world through service projects.  RCC members plan and carry out projects in their communities in collaboration with local Rotary clubs. Sponsored by a Rotary club, an RCC leverages Rotary’s network, brand, and mentorship by partnering with clubs to plan and implement service projects.
2023 Grand Prize "Interact Awards" Best Video Award
In February 2024, Rotary International announced the Grand Prize Video of the 2023 Interact Awards Best Video contest.  The award goes to the Interact Club of Kuen Cheng High School, Malaysia! The judges were impressed by your creative storytelling and striking visuals!  Watch the video below to learn more about Interactors making a difference in their community!
Click here to visit Interact's Official YouTube Channel to watch Interactors around the globe share their stories about service!
The details about the upcoming 2024 Interact Awards will be announced in September 2024, so stay tuned so your club can submit and entry!
Books For The World Project in District 5890:  2024 Book Sorting Dates

the "books for the world project" is four-Projects-in-one:  International - Literacy - Vocational - & Environmental!

Click here to learn more about this ongoing project started here in Rotary District 5890.
The Books for the World Project  has earned support from multiple Rotary districts around the globe.
Photo on left is of students in Kenya receiving books that our Houston-area Interact students sorted and palletized then were shipped via ocean freight export container to Kenya.
Books for the World sortings will be held again during the 2024-2025 school year at their new warehouse  (Cubework) at 3401 Navigation Blvd. in Houston, Texas 77003.
A HUGE thanks to you for supporting this project!  Without our Interactors in District 5890...this project couldn't happen!  Our District 5890 Interactors are vital to the success of this project since the volunteer at the monthly book sortings to help palletize the books. 
Since 2002. we've shipped  17.6 MILLION pounds of books (that's 17.1 MILLION books) shipped FREE of CHARGE to 25 countries at a value of USD17,655,106!  Rotarians in those countries then give the books...free of charge...to teachers, schools, libraries, and universities. 
We purchase the 40-foot, steel shipping container used to transport the books and it is also donated to the communities!  These containers are converted  into community libraries, medical clinics, Polio vaccine centers, community centers, and more!
Above:  A 40-foot container that had been loaded here in District 5890 arrives at a school in Kenya and students help unload the books that our greater Houston area District 5890 Interactors had packed. 
Below:  This 40-foot, steel shipping container has been converted into a community library in Africa.
RSS Feed - Rotary's latest headlines, news, & information
Rotary's response to U.S.'s intent to withdraw from World Health Organization

Rotary's response to U.S.'s plan to withdraw from World Health

Rotary members jump into action to help Los Angeles wildfire victims

Massive wildfires in Southern California, USA, have destroyed at least 12,000 buildings, razed neighborhoods, and displaced tens of thousands of people

Jimmy Carter's vision for peace

This story appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine.  It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in

Espresso in a war zone

Adventure or misadventure, roving correspondent Scott Simon finds enlightenment in a life of travels

The liberation of Julie Mulligan

After being kidnapped abroad, Rotarian Julie Mulligan set out to live a more authentic life of Service Above Self

Unforgettable evenings in Calgary

Signature events at the 2025 Rotary convention include dinner at Rotarians’ homes, a country music jamboree, and boot-stompin’ celebrations of the Western culture in Calgary.